Tips To Quit Smoking

Tips To Quit Smoking

Many smokers face a common challenge when they want to quit: thinking that they cannot do it or fearing it is an undoable task. However, you can stop smoking if you have the right motivation and help. While it’s no easy task, resources and support groups can help. It’s important not to have the mentality of being “too far gone;” quitting at any point will improve your health. 

Here are five tips that can help you in your journey of leading a tobacco-free life. 

1. Nicotine Replacement Therapy 

Your doctor might mention that you can try nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to fight nicotine addiction. Several NRT options, such as nasal sprays containing nicotine, nicotine patches, and non-nicotine medications, can be bought through prescription. Talk to your doctor about which option is best for you. 

2. Seek Support 

Enroll yourself in a behavior therapy program and support groups for people who want to resist tobacco cravings. Being in the company of different people dealing with the same issue can help you learn different ways to deal with your cravings. 

Keep your friends and family aware of your plan of quitting smoking so they can help you in any way they can. There are also stop-smoking programs available on the internet that you can join. You may find it helpful to have people to talk to during this time.

3. Stay Physically Active 

Keeping yourself physically active can serve as a distraction when you need to smoke a cigarette. It also decreases the intensity of cravings. You can choose to go on a walk or jog, or you can try exercises that do not require going outside, such as squatting or push-ups. If you are not interested in exercise or your health is not allowing you to be physically active, you can do house chores to distract yourself. You can also start other activities, such as needlework or writing a journal. 

4. Do Not Stop Treatment Too Soon 

If you are taking nicotine replacement therapy or medication, you should practice compliance. Quitting does not happen overnight, so it’s essential to stay on medicines recommended by your doctor, so they are fully effective. Stopping the treatment can cause relapse, particularly when facing a stressful and challenging situation. This could be highly demotivating for you if you were doing well so far. 

5. Remember the Benefits

There are so many benefits of quitting smoking that you must remember when trying to be a non-smoker. Some of the benefits include having a better and healthy life, keeping your loved ones safe by not exposing them to secondhand smoke, and being able to save money that you were spending on cigarettes every day. 

It can be challenging for people to quit smoking altogether. The withdrawal symptoms can be hard to deal with, and sometimes, stressful situations lead to relapse. However, smokers quit all the time to lead healthier lives. Start by speaking with your physicians about options to find a way that’s right for you.

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